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In January, I grabbed hold of a dream that had been buzzing at me for years – I opened the texture community reading room, and I invited you into it. I have not looked back. As one new friend of texture said, ‘When you open the door, good things come in.’ And it’s true: since opening my door next to the pharmacy, I have delighted in the interesting people, and books, and connections and conversations, arriving through it, and the supportive enthusiasm of longtime valley friends.

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Our first texture Storytime

texture community reading room will host our very first children’s picture book reading on Wednesday 13 February at 3.45pm (see flyer below). I’m pretty excited about it because it means I get to share some of my favourite children’s books with local children (and their parents). It’s also a way of setting in stone in the schedule each month some time to do something I love…without it being about work. (I have to watch it: workaholism is in my genes.)

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Introducing the texture workroom and community reading room

After two years commuting to Sydney, and 7 years working from home in Kangaroo Valley, this month I moved my editing consultancy into the former doctor’s office next to the pharmacy. It’s the texture workroom, so I’ll be working with editing, publishing and digital media clients here, but it’s also a community reading room.

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